by James Edward Katz, M.D. | Apr 5, 2014 | Alzheimer's, Health Supplements, Medications, Preventative Medicine
For ten years, Merck has been pursuing one of the Holy Grails in pharmaceuticals. Aspirin is one of the most recommended drugs in the world. Merck has been developing laropiprant to replace aspirin. But laropiprant was a long shot as it has a paradoxical dose-...
by James Edward Katz, M.D. | Nov 9, 2013 | Age Management, Aging, Cancer, Dementia, Disease, Medications, Preventative Medicine
The M. D. Anderson Hospital reported that Celebrex, an arthritis medication, reduced precancerous markers in smokers. Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York confirmed similar results. Neither study was structured to see if Celebrex reduced lung tumors (that takes 10+...