God showed Noah by the rainbow sign, no more water, but fire next time. Fire Next Time Lyrics by Rev. Milton Brunson Wildfires produce ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, volatile heavy metals, and fine particulate...
You are either Working for the Virus or Working for Your Fellow Man Explanations why people don’t get vaccinated have as much to do with the bias of the reporter as the data available. For instance, Black and Hispanic minority groups were labeled “hesitant.” The plain...
Main Image credit: Sumanley xulx from Pixabay Dear John, It has been three weeks since the first report of the omicron variant. The newspapers are filled with headlines with contradictory information. If you feel confused, you are not alone. What should one do about...
Image courtesy Larry Li on Unsplash In 2012, oncologist Joshua Schiffman of the Huntsman Cancer Center encountered an elephant that would change his life. He had taken his children to the Hogle zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah. They had recently lost their Bernese Mountain...
Delta is Hunting You and Your Children Ins and Outs of Booster Shots Winter is coming. People will spend more time indoors, and the opportunity to spread Covid-19 is greater. Among the unvaccinated, the Delta variant is turning this into a massacre. Vaccination is...
By Dr. James Katz, MD, MPH The Delta variant of COVID-19 is the fourth major mutation of the pandemic. It has modified spike proteins which attach more efficiently to human cells than the original COVID-19. Its genetic programming is more potent — infected cells...
How to Build a Frankenstein Virus by Accident How could a virus escape a high security lab? Accidents in biosafety laboratories are frequent. The Wuhan Viral Institute has the largest collection of coronaviruses in the world. The WVI has safety issues; humanity is...
We are Standing on the Cliff with Our Toes over the Edge In the First Wave of Covid, we were led to believe the disease spread through surface contact or people coughing nearby. However, when Covid hit nursing homes, patients confined to their rooms succumbed to the...
Tested in a Total of 76 People …But It’s So Good, You Don’t Need to See the Data Russia approved the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine August 11. It has been tested in just 76 people. It is to be given to a small number of citizens from vulnerable groups, including...
On January 24th, Singapore became the first country to mandate mask wearing for all citizens. In February, The CDC and WHO advised “masks do not benefit average citizens.” April 24, the CDC advised wearing a mask to “protect other people.” In June, that changed to...
The poet Milton, who, crippled by age, stated his regret he could not do more to serve God, “They also serve who only stand and wait.” You can protect everyone in your community if you would just stay home. During the next two weeks, a biologic wave will sweep across...
But the Elephant Gene Pool must Survive to Help UsMany of my relatives have died from cancer. I know everyone reading this has been touched by cancer. As a doctor for 40 years, I have seen countless cancer victims. I’m writing you about a unique opportunity to benefit...