We are Standing on the Cliff with Our Toes over the Edge In the First Wave of Covid, we were led to believe the disease spread through surface contact or people coughing nearby. However, when Covid hit nursing homes, patients confined to their rooms succumbed to the...
Statins Prevent Coronavirus Infection Complications The statin drugs, such as Lipitor, Crestor, etc. reduce the severity of SARS-COV-2 (coronavirus) infections. In three separate studies, one in Malaysia and two at the University of California at San Diego, early...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Justice Department Approves Pharmaceutical Monopoly to Manufacture Anti-COVID Antibodies James Katz MD The COVID-19 related collapse of the hospitals in Queens, New York, is burnt into the minds of Americans. Who would be the next...
Tested in a Total of 76 People …But It’s So Good, You Don’t Need to See the Data Russia approved the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine August 11. It has been tested in just 76 people. It is to be given to a small number of citizens from vulnerable groups, including...
On January 24th, Singapore became the first country to mandate mask wearing for all citizens. In February, The CDC and WHO advised “masks do not benefit average citizens.” April 24, the CDC advised wearing a mask to “protect other people.” In June, that changed to...
In April, I wrote an essay 21st Century Medicine Attacks COVID-19 at Lightspeed, describing how the full weight of modern biotechnology is be brought to bear on this pandemic. In less than 60 days, the COVID-19 spike protein had been identified as the best vaccine...
Corona virus can emerge from the lungs as tiny invisible particles (aerosols) when breathing, or as large visible droplets when coughing. The aerosols can float for 1-4 hours, and will migrate across a closed room. The larger, heavier droplets from coughing (or...
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to go Outside… The Lone Star tick is already found in large numbers in New Jersey, Long Island, and Fairfield County in Connecticut. This aggressive human-biting tick has the potential for altering the dynamics of existing and...
The longer we study vitamin D, the more benefits we find. Below is a chart of diseases affected by Vitamin D (the degree of influence is decidedly optimistic.) Does Vitamin D Reduce the Risks of COVID-19? In a study of nine countries published online, those with low...
Not Needing the Dentist is the Best Strategy This series is how to brush teeth, keep gums healthy, and avoid cavities. A good idea in any era, but more necessary now when dental care is less available due to COVID. Better oral health decreases heart disease, stroke,...
The COVID-19 pandemic is tearing through the United States like Jaws tore through swimmers in the waters off the Amityville Beaches. Pres. Trump, like the Amityville Mayor, is standing safely on the beach, while encouraging others to go in the water (and then changing...
I remember the astonishing diversity of life in a drop of lake water I first viewed under a microscope sixty years ago. Now we use cryogenic electron microscopes, DNA sequencers, protein splicers, and supercomputers to create computer simulations of life down to...